Extremely robust high-performance storage for electromobility
Storage systems for electrical energy are one of the most critical components in restructuring the global energy industry. Due to their universal applicability, they also play a central role in many other fields of application, such as electromobility.
Vehicles are operated in the partial load range for most of their operating time. Considerable power reserves must, therefore, be kept available for brief power-hungry driving phases, such as overtaking or merging onto the highway. For these power peaks, Fraunhofer ISIT developed an additional modular battery system consisting of a highly robust, high-performance battery and fast-response, high-performance battery electronics.
The high-performance cells, manufactured with a discharge rate of up to 60 C, are based on different cell chemistries (classic, specialized) and are used in numerous areas, such as hybrid trains and maritime, aerospace (electric flying), or industrial applications.