Digital power amplifier

Versatility, bandwidth & efficiency with digital power amplifiers

Fast and efficient switching combines power electronics with high-frequency electronics (power meets HF).

In the infrastructure of future mobile communications from sub-6 to 300 GHz (5G/6G), it ensures more efficient energy management, maximum flexibility and compactness - with complete digitalization.

Fully digital GaN-based transmitter module

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik has developed a fully digital GaN-based transmitter module for the 5G mobile communications infrastructure..

This module is the first to use a novel, robust, and compact digital GaN PA chip with greatly reduced complexity compared to previous designs. The 1.8 x 1.8 mm² chip requires three current sources and an input amplitude of only 700 mVpp.

The amplified signal at the chip's output pin is then fed into a simple bandpass filter made of concentrated SMD components, which is tuned to a signal frequency of 900 MHz.

The transmitter chain is completed with an SPDT T/R switch that uses 8 x 125 µm GaN HEMTs. The switch has an insertion loss of 0.6 dB in the transmission path.


Participating FMD member institute: Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH)